Sunday, February 24, 2008

I saw this video on my friend Shelley's web site. I am getting ready to go to China this summer for 12 days. The team I am on is going to work in an orphanage, helping to care for the babies, and children. I am humbled and excited for this opportunity to tangibly share God's love, by caring for the needs of the orphans and their nannies. Watching this video (put together by a ministry called Open Doors), just makes me all the more excited to go. I can't help but wonder what God has in store for China. I"m excited to watch. Then I start to wonder....will I be a part of the change? Will my children? Please pray with me for the country of China, and the strong leaders He might raise up in this country, the birth country of our precious Addie Grace! A piece of my heart is there, and always will be......


Julie said...


I'm so excited for you to go on this trip. I wish I could be there with you. I will keep you and your family in my prayers as you embark on this incredible journey!


Bloggin' Robin said...

I am so excited about you and your upcoming mission trip! To be honest, I am jealous - I am itching to go again! Badly! I watched the entire video and will show it on Friday to our homeschool Co-Op. We are learning about missionaries. This week the boys and I are sharing about Hudson Taylor - one of the first missionaries to inland China. He was also the first to adopt their way of dress instead of preaching to them in English clothing. We just finished his biography - Amazing! Truly, a man of complete faith - He trusted God for absolutely EVERYTHING! Incredible! Just wanted you to know the timing of me seeing this video is providential for other children (the next generation) to see it as well! Thanks for sharing it! I am also adding you to my Blogroll, so I'll be checking in more often. Thell the kids they have REALLY grown into beauiful and handsome young people! Love you!

Bloggin' Robin said...

Jsut showed the boys this video and read about your plans - they are so excited for you. This was so helpful fo rthem to get a feel for the truth of this country right now. We will be sharing about Hudson Taylor & China today. A friend of ours makes diaper covers for an orpahnage there. The kids will be making those as well. And, we will be handing out chopsticks! I'll try to snap some pictures and put them on the blog. Hey, did you send me an e-mail about a mission trip to Ethiopia? I thought it was probably from you, but wanted to be sure before I opened the file. Enjoy your SNOW - it's about 65 degrees here today! Mush love from the warm south! LOL!

Julie said...

Hi Becki!

You've been tagged! Reveal 7 things about yourself that we may not know. See my blog for the rules. Looking forward to your post!
